Friday, October 18, 2019

QI strategies into performance measurements Essay

QI strategies into performance measurements - Essay Example The main performance area under consideration is quality improvement in health care, followed closely by patient safety. Quality healthcare is very integral in the vision, mission and overall strategic plan of Memorial Healthcare. In order to improve the overall quality of healthcare, many healthcare facilities employ different strategies, but they all have a singular aim. This focus has aided many heath facilities to improve their patient outcomes and follow the protocols of treatment. One of the models aimed at improving the quality of healthcare is the Plan Do Study Act. This methodology entails four steps, aimed at instituting changes in a system. To institute changes, a plan is hatched in order to test the change. Once this is accomplished, the test is executed, followed by a critical observation of the results for the purpose of learning and having a deeper understanding of the system. Thereafter, any shortcomings are identified and potential modifications made. Its pros include its application of scientific processes, its wide application, its effective management and control of results and capacity for exponential improvement. However, the methodology’s non-specific approach in dealing with problems, coupled with the possibility of being impacted by major risks when tackling small problems are examples of some of its drawbacks. According to Stamatis, the Lean methodology is a process improvement model that focusses on improving productivity while still minimizing waste and costs in the system. In order to be implemented, it requires a collaborative effort between all personnel in the organization for the purpose of identifying the improving productivity and highlighting the shortcomings in patient care services. Its pros include improved care patient services through care inefficiency reductions, employee and physician satisfaction and improved level of patient care and satisfaction. However, the methodology is time consuming and cost

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