Sunday, October 20, 2019

Use of Animals for Biomedical Research essays

Use of Animals for Biomedical Research essays Animal testing has been a hotly debated topic for many years among animal rights activists and scientists. Although research scientists claim that there are many benefits that can result from animal testing, it is, nonetheless, cruel and harmful to the animals involved. Many of these animals are taken out of shelters and used for science experiments instead of having a chance to reside in a home with people who genuinely care about them. Scientists and researchers believe that testing trial product chemicals on an animal will benefit humans in the long run since they don't have to suffer the harsh side effects that the animals have to suffer while In Carl Cohen's article "Do Animals Have Rights," he talks about his opinion on animal rights and how he believes that animals do not have rights for many reasons. In regards to animal testing and biomedical research, Cohen casts off any idea that animals would come out on top in this argument and makes the claim that we as people have the duty to protect our fellow people of the world and conduct experiments to "alleviate human suffering and protect human lives." Cohen argues that animals have no rights for the sheer fact that animals do not have moral claims and obligations in which people can base these rights off of. According to Cohen since animals cannot possess rights, they do not have any rights, and we are not violating any of their rights when we use them for biomedical research because they never had any rights to begin with. He also believes that animals "lack the capacity for free moral judgment,"there fore they are unable to respond to moral claims. If it came down to saving the life of a dog and saving the life of a human, the obvious morally right choice without a question would be saving the human life. Although he thinks it is wrong for animals to suffer and obviously they should not purposely be suffering for any ra...

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