Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The yellow wall paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The yellow wall paper - Essay Example She becomes obsessed with the rooms revolting yellow wallpaper. Throughout the general summary as well as the chapter explanations, the narrator suffered from temporary nervous depression. Out of this, the husband orders her to take a rest on what actually the narrator describes as the haunted house. For the sake of the two of them to stay there, the woman gives in despite her feeling uncomfortable. To wrap up the significance of the title, the yellow house built of yellow bricks (Gilman and Jean 50). The story has a variety of characters that help develop the story line. First, there is the narrator. Through the eyes of the omniscient narrator, who is the protagonist, her know it all helps the reader to unveil the rather knit up the story of the woman with complications and the ordeals of the family as well as the neighbors. She is imaginative and creative person as she lives to tell of the society’s view of women’s artistic skills and intellect as an anomaly, as misfits and ill as shown through the story. John is the other character, the narrator’s husband, who happens to be a physician. He totally differs on his wife’s intellect for his chauvinistic stance only propels him to believe what he can only see and touch. For example, his own creation of hypochondriac, as the disease for his woman tells it all. His busy schedule is what ignites her wife to stay alone and choose to write, an obsessive ritual centered on the yellow paper in their room (77). Jennie, John’s sister serves as the house help. Her duty also involve to check up the overgrowing zealous of John’s wife in writing. Her brother’s belief of a concrete view of the world binds her. The other main character is Weir Mitchell, the doctor who engineered the rest cure for John’s wife. These characters are real personnel’s as the author deviates from using fiction characters. The setting reflects the era when

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