Thursday, October 31, 2019

Clinical Scenario with Structured Questions Essay

Clinical Scenario with Structured Questions - Essay Example A nurse’s aid who is also a second year nursing student at university saw the client , took his blood pressure which was found to be elevated at 185/112. His heart rate was rapid at 113 beats per minute. The clinical picture indicated that the man was most probably having a heart attack. The student / nurse called an ambulance. As per unit protocol an accident/incident form was filled. Chest pain is a common occurrence with older patients. In the Emergency Department, chest pain needs to be isolated as cardiac or non-cardiac in origin. Physical assessment and proper history taking is very important in identifying the type of chest pain the patient is experiencing. This will also help the health care provider prioritize the plan of care. Proper assessment and history taking through detailed interview could have helped greatly in avoiding errors and reducing incidence reporting. This also indicates that the quality of care is improving. Pain is a very subjective matter. McCaffre y defined pain as whatever the person experiencing pain says it is, existing whenever the person communicates or demonstrates it does (McCaffrey, 1986). Chest pain is one of the most common complaints in emergency departments of hospitals and acute care centers, so common that immediate evaluation and correct diagnosis is very important in the patient’s survival. The situation describes a 44 year old Anglo-Saxon male client presenting with crushing chest pain. History shows long term use of alcohol, obesity, diabetic with insulin infusion, diaphoresis and shortness of breath. The Registered Nurse who first assessed the patient missed critical information such as taking the vital signs of the patient. Vital signs, particularly blood pressure is very important in the assessment of pain. Increased blood pressure usually indicates severe pain (Cox). High blood pressure and tachycardia are symptoms of a heart attack. These symptoms plus the crushing chest pain, diaphoresis and s hortness of breath are warning signs of heart attack and is should be considered a medical emergency. Clinical Governance Clinical governance is a term used by the National Health Service to describe a systematic approach in maintaining high standards of care and aims to continually improve the quality of services delivered in the clinical practice environment. Clinical governance is defined as a framework which helps all clinicians – including nurses – to continuously improve quality and safeguard standards of care (Royal College of Nursing). The role of clinical governance in this situation is to correct any mistakes that the drug and alcohol detoxification unit failed to detect. The purpose of clinical governance is to maintain and improve standards of patient care. In this scenario, it will improve the inadequate partenership between and among health care professionals dealing with the patient. It will also improve delivery of health care in other elements of clini cal governance such as education and training, clinical audit, clinical effectiveness, research and development, openness and risk management. In education and training, the staff of the unit are equipped for drug and alcohol detoxification but they also need to continually update themselves with regards to medical cases in order for them to promptly idnetify life threatening symptoms such as mentioned in

Monday, October 28, 2019

What I Would Change About the World Essay Example for Free

What I Would Change About the World Essay If I had the power to change three things in this world they would have to be: I would change who ran our country, I would stop sending our factory jobs to China and Mexico, and I would also put a stop to the unnecessary violence going on around us. To me these are three very important issues that need to be changed; by this I think the world would be a better place. I think we need a different president; this isn’t a racist statement or anything of that sort. I believe we just need a different president because he has already had four years to make a change, yet he hasn’t made that big of a difference. We need a farmer as president. Farmers know how to plan out and deal with sudden problems. Take for example, President Carter, a peanut farmer, people loved him and most things he accomplished during his term. Secondly, we need to stop sending all of our jobs to other foreign countries. Think about it, in America we are suffering from job loss and in a great deal of debt. We send most of our factory and industry jobs over to China or Mexico, when we really could use them here. If we took back factory jobs in America it would cut back on unemployment rates, and we would create a more stable economy for us Americans. Also, we would have the reassurance and pride of creating our own products in The United States. One of the most important changes we need to make is stopping the violence in America. Through-out America’s history we have had numerous bombings, shootings and other horrific, violent events. This is all unnecessary, we are the United States of America ( emphasis on â€Å"United†. ) And there should be no reason for all of this unnecessary violence toward our fellow Americans. And another way we could end unnecessary violence is to track down all the guns that are â€Å"registered† to the owners and make sure that the owners of the guns actually have them. Also to put metal detectors like at airports in every building to make sure no weapons that are not legally concealed or registered to be allowed inside. So if I had the power to change three things about the world I would end all of the violence towards fellow human beings because it’s pointless to harm one another for â€Å"religious† beliefs. And to take away all of the illegally owned weapons away from all of the criminals and that would take away the majority of the violence toward each other. I would put a President in office that would actually live up to his promises to change the country and bring us out of debt and not to have the other countries look at us as a weaker country as to what we once was. Also i would also bring all of the jobs that we are sending to foreign countries and providing them jobs when we are suffering from the lowest employment levels that I can remember.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Corruption And Integrity In The World Politics Essay

Corruption And Integrity In The World Politics Essay Corruption is defined as the impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle or as inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means such as bribery. Corruption is defined by the World Bank and Transparency International (TI) as the misuse of public office for private gain. Corruption is generally considered to be a symptom and outcome of weak governance. Examples of corruption include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement. While corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and trafficking, it is not restricted to these activities. Stemming corruption requires strong oversight by parliaments, a well-performing judiciary, independent and properly resourced audit and anti-corruption agencies, vigorous law enforcement, transparency in public budgets, revenue and aid flows, as well as space for independent media and a vibrant civil society, said Huguette Labelle, chairwoman of Transparency International. Every year, Transparency International ranks 180 countries to create its corruption index. The least corrupt countries for 2009 are New Zealand and Denmark, respectively. The most corrupt countries are Somalia and Afghanistan, respectively. In comparison to Transparency Internationals 2008 ranked list, the least corrupt countries stayed the at the same ranking and the most corrupt countries only slightly changed- Somalia topped the list both years while Myanmar was the runner up in 2008. Somalia ended up as the most corrupt country on Transparency Internationals list for a variety of reasons. In 1992, most of Somalia was a disaster area. It was effectively destroyed. It had no government, no police force, nor even basic services. Murderous warlords battled savagely for control of the capital, Mogadishu and armed thugs and bandits roamed the country destroying and taking everything insight. The fighting and the drought claimed over 300,000 lives, and heartbreaking spectacles of emaciated bodies of famine victims were seen on a daily basis. Although droughts have played havoc with agricultural production, the food supply has been far more threatened by never-ending armed conflicts. It is true that external factors, including the colonial legacy, the Cold War, and other foreign meddling in African affairs, have played a role in creating the regions problems. However, the primary causes of Africas crises are of internal origin: misguided political leadership, corruption, capital flight, defective economic systems, senseless civil wars, and military vandalism. The basic problem here, besides a lack of competence, is total corruption. The top people line their pockets through political influence. It is difficult to prove the corruption, even when a top official speaks out about wrongdoing. Somalias problems could have been avoided if their leaders and elites had used their common sense. In Africa the people are the peasants the majority in every African nation. Some minimum level of stability, peace, order, civil society, and respect for civil liberties is necessary for productive activity. The principal beneficiaries of economic prosperity ought to be the peasants, not the elite minority that constitutes less than 10 percent. Another corruption-ridden country is Afghanistan. Corruption has multiple and severe adverse effects on Afghanistan. In addition to the direct financial costs of corruption (higher costs of contracts and public services, loss of public funds due to theft or misuse of government facilities and assets) there are substantial costs related to time devoted to corrupt practices by government officials, private businesses, and the public as well as, especially in the case of the security sector, the human costs (e.g. of threats, intimidation, victimization of people by security forces). Widespread corruption deters and distorts private investment. But perhaps most important, are the adverse implications of corruption, and popular perceptions of widespread corruption, for the effective functioning, credibility, and legitimacy of the state. A particular problem in this regard is drug-related corruption, allegedly involving senior Government officials, which interacts destructively with corrup tion in the security sector (especially the police) and justice sector. Not surprisingly, the basic forms of corruption in Afghanistan appear to be broadly similar to those found in other countries. These include petty corruption and bribery, extortion, outright theft of government assets, patronage, and corruption in government procurement. Examples of the former in Afghanistan include the apparently common practice of demanding money from the public for required forms and documents; bribery in return for obtaining an electricity connection, uninterrupted power service, or under-assessment of electricity bills; theft of fuel in municipal sanitation departments, etc. On the other hand, New Zealand is ranked the least corrupt country. Unlike much of the world, New Zealand is a nation where corruption is virtually unknown. It is unheard of to have to bribe public officials to do the jobs they are paid to do. Genuine wrongdoing is quickly exposed and offenders are dealt with in open court under fair and transparent laws. New Zealand has a zero tolerance policy on corruption and bribery, which means that it does not accept bribery within its own ranks or in cooperation with external partners. Not even a New Zealand police officer can be bribed. Anyone who tries to will be arrested on the spot. Everyone knows this, which is why nobody tries to, not even the worst, most desperate or richest criminals. While there have been a few instances of bribery among low-level public servants over the years, the offenders are caught and vigorously prosecuted. New Zealand has had their share of fraudulent businesspeople, but they are also prosecuted. Their justice system is a stiff and regimented one, with fiercely independent judges selected because of their legal abilities alone, not because of political views. Like New Zealand, Denmark has also adopted a zero-tolerance policy. The zero-tolerance policy means that anti-corruption clauses are now found in all Government Agreements and in all contracts with companies involved in preparing and implementing Denmarks development. All of Denmarks contracts include an anti-corruption clause, whereby companies will have to sign a declaration on non-bribery. Non-compliance with this clause might lead to a cease of contract and exclusion from future contracts. The common denominator for the least corrupt countries verses the most corrupt countries basically boils down to having an organized government and rules and regulations. In New Zealand and Denmark they clearly have a solid government with well-known anti-corruption policies. They enforce the zero tolerance level so that people realize that it isnt worth suffering the potential consequences of even trying to do wrong. Things tend to work progressively and smooth. Whereas, in the most corrupt countries the common denominator is chaos and disorganization. There tends to be no democracy or government (fair) to rule and control the citizens. And there tends to be much violence. The culture of the country does play a huge role in the countrys ethics. In the most corrupt countries, the people tend to be poor, uneducated, and live in extreme destitute conditions. There typically is no middle class only a small percentage of very wealthy and powerful and a large percentage of very poor and powerless. In the least corrupt countries, the people tend to be educated and live in comfortable conditions. Some possible ways to lessen the corrupt and unethical behaviors are to be clear and concise with anti-corruption policies. A good example is New Zealand. They have made sure that their laws are transparent and understandable. If someone does not follow the law they are prosecuted to the fullest extent. Having an enforceable zero tolerance policy is a huge step in lessening corruption. Some additional ways to lessen corruption are by improving public sector service delivery by focusing on public sector accountability and legal reform in order to re-introduce rule of law, building integrity by promoting governmental accountability and transparency; and building watchdog and enforcement agencies. Lack of accountability by national and international politicians and civil servants is probably one of the most important reasons why sustainable development has not occurred in most of the worlds poorest countries. The country needs to have an information surplus, control of the government, a nd eliminate opportunities and incentives for corrupt behavior. Social conditions such as increased literacy and education among the population can help curb corrupt behavior as well. My home country, the United States of America, ranked nineteenth on the Transparency International corruption list. US federal law prohibits bribery of both non-US and domestic federal public officials. The US federal anti-foreign bribery statute is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977. The FCPAÂ  applies to the people of the United States and companies, stockholders, officers, directors, employees, or agents acting on behalf of a United States company. The FCPA has anti-bribery provisions and prohibits indirect as well as direct improper payments. If someone has a conscious disregard, willful blindness, or deliberate ignorance, of culpable conduct or suspicious circumstances it may be adequate to support a violation of the FCPA. The penalties for violations of the FCPAs anti-bribery and corruption provisions are severe. For criminal convictions, companies could be fined the greater of $2 million for each violation or twice the gain earned on any business obtained through conduct that violated the FCPA. In addition to similar criminal fines, individuals can be imprisoned for up to five years. For civil violations, penalties of $10,000 for each violation may be imposed both on companies and individuals. Moreover, in recent years, SEC has insisted that companies forgo all profits earned through conduct that violated the FCPA. In several recent cases, the US Department of Justice and SEC have also required companies to engage for a three-year period an independent compliance monitor that provides periodic reports to the US authorities. The US federal laws also include various domestic bribery statutes, which prohibits bribery of US domestic public officials. This statute prohibits the giving of anything of value to a public official or person who has been selected to be a public official.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Marooned Choir Boys? :: essays research papers fc

The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is considered to be one of the most influential and often controversial pieces of literature from the 1950's. Published in the midst of the Cold War, this novel was perhaps a fulfillment of whatever prophecy convinced Golding to abandon the sciences at the Oxford College where his father taught in favor of studying the English language and literature in greater depth. Work in the independent theaters of â€Å"very, very far-off-Broadway theater,† Royal Navy during wartime, and even the English educational system, were all in preparation for his masterpiece to come in 1954. Dissatisfied with wars between nations and within the school system, Golding made profound statements through the book. Success would finally accompany Lord of the Flies when, in 1959, it was published in the United States. Something about this book struck America – and the rest of the world – as frightening and truthful, insightful and dangerous, abhor rent and appealing. Why would a novel about a group of shipwrecked schoolboys on a deserted island, fighting for survival against the forces of nature, instantly become a classroom standard? So easily this plot line could have dissolved into the trash of 1950's pulp fiction, yet it easily maintained the dignity and importance of the great literature Golding held in high esteem. The forces of nature at work against the school boys of The Lord of the Flies were not just those brought in with the wind and the rain and hiding beneath the dense brush of the forest; the real forces of nature at work for these children was the darkness within their own hearts and the fear that accompanies it. This book is an examination of the inherent evil that is human nature, and the fear that controls every human's actions. Golding was able to convey this darkness and fear through his mastery of the English language; the vivid and visual writing style, execution of allusion and metaphor through charact ers and story elements, and portrayals of major plot events create a book that is not only readable, but also an important journey into the nature of every human.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Lord of the Flies is a book that reads at a fast pace but remains in the mind for careful consideration. Not dissimilar from the works of James Barrie (Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, Peter and Wendy), this complex story has the air of the children's adventure book.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Psychological tests Essay

Aptitude test is defined as the test of suitability to determine whether an individual is likely to develop the skills required for a particular kind of work (Encarta dictionary, 2008). Aptitude tests are used to calculate abilities over a long period of time, as well as to envisage future learning performance. Example of aptitude tests are the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the American College Testing (ACT)). These tests are both college admission tests explored in the prediction of college success. Special aptitude tests The purpose of special aptitude test raises the concept of fidelity and bandwith. Bandwith determines the breath of the traits that is being evaluated while fidelity refers to the extent to which a particular measure focuses on a particular attribute or quality. These tests are explored to prognosticate on the future performance in a subject that the person in question is not currently trained. Goverment parastatals,institutions and business organization often will apply specific aptitude tests when handing over specific privileges to certain individuals. .Furthermore, vocational guidance counseling may involve aptitude testing to help clarify individual career goals (Microsoft Encarta, 2008). If a person has a similar score in comparison to that of individuals already functioning in a particular profession, the probability of success in that occupation can be predicted by the use of aptitude tests. Certain aptitude tests have a wide coverage that includes skills germane to many different professions. The General aptitude test, for instance aside measuring the general reasoning ability also covers the areas of form perception, motor coordination, clerical perception as well as manual and finger dexterity. Other tests may concentrate on a single area such as the Art, Engineering and modern languages (Microsoft Encarta. 2008). One of the examples of special aptitude tests is the sensory or perceptual test and this concentrates on the discrimination of color and visual acuity. It also involves the auditory senses. Another example of special aptitude test is the mechanical test which includes the test of spatial relations and this demands manual dexterity as well as space visualization. There is also the paper and pencil test which includes the Bennet Mechanical comprehension Test and the Minnesota Paper Formboard. Other special aptitude tests are listed below. The clerical test This includes the Minnesota clerical test that consists of 200 pairs of numbers and 200 pairs of names. It also includes the clerical abilities which is an embodiment of 7 other tests like test of proofreading and copying etc. The art and musical test. The Art ability test includes the Art judgment test in which the participant judges between two pictures and chooses the one that is better. In aesthetic perception test, the participant gives an orderly ranking of 4 versions of the same project. The grave design judgment test also allows the participant to adjudicate the best among a group of abstract pictures. Musical ability test The musical ability test gives an analytical assessment of musical ability and it makes use of tones as well as notes to evaluate 6 components of auditory discrimination. The wing standardized test of musical intelligence explores recorded pianoic songs to assess about 8 areas which include the memory, chord analysis and rhythm.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Japanese Tea Ceremony essays

Japanese Tea Ceremony essays Tea was first introduced to Japan along with Buddhism from China in the 6th century, but the Emperor Shomu introduced tea drinking to the country. During the Heian period (794-1185), tea was made from steamed and dried tea leaves ground into a powder called macha. In the 15th century, Juro Murata introduced many of the concepts of spirituality into tea ceremony, including the special room only used for the chanoyu. Tea ceremonies were required to follow a certain order. Zen Buddhist concepts in the tea ceremony were introduced by Sen no Rikyu, a Japanese tea master. During the second half of the 16th century, Sen no Rikyu created the ceremony that is now practiced and taught in Japan called Chado. He also designed a separate building for the ceremony based on a typical Japanese farmer's hut. He further formalized the tea ceremony's rules and identified the spirit of chanoyu with four basic Buddhist principles of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility. They represent the ideals of the tea ceremony. Sen no Rikyu believed that we could reach tranquillity in the mind after we achieved harmony, respect, and purity. Chado includes almost all aspects of Japanese culture. For example, flower arrangement, ceramic, calligraphy, etc. According to Hisamatsu Shinichi, Chado is an incarnation of Buddhism. That is not entirely true. Not only Buddhism but also others including Taoism and Confucianism have influenced Chado The ceremony takes place in a room designed and designated for tea. It is called the cha*censored*su. Usually this room is inside the tea house, away from the house, in the garden. The guests are brought into the waiting room. Here, the assistant to the host offers them the hot water which will be used to make tea. While here, the guests choose one of their group to act as the main guest. The assistant then leads them to a garden. They then sit on the waiting bench, and wait for the host. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essential Facts About Hurricanes, Typhoons, Cyclones

Essential Facts About Hurricanes, Typhoons, Cyclones During hurricane season, you may hear the terms hurricane, typhoon, and cyclone used often, but what does each mean? While all three of these terms have to do with tropical cyclones, they are not the same thing. Which one you use depends on which part of the world the tropical cyclone is in. Hurricanes Mature tropical cyclones  with winds of 74 mph or more that exist anywhere in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or in the eastern or central North Pacific Ocean east of the International Date Line are called hurricanes.    As long as a hurricane stays within any of the above-mentioned waters, even if it crosses from one basin to a neighboring basin (i.e., from the Atlantic to the Eastern Pacific), it will still be called a hurricane. A notable example of this is Hurricane Flossie (2007).  Hurricane Ioke (2006) is an example of a tropical cyclone that  did  change titles. It strengthened into a hurricane just south of Honolulu, Hawaii. 6 days later, it crossed the International Date Line into the Western Pacific basin, becoming Typhoon Ioke.  Learn more about  why we name hurricanes. The  National Hurricane Center  (NHC) monitors and issues forecasts for hurricanes occurring in these regions. The NHC classifies any hurricane with wind speeds of at least 111 mph as a major hurricane.    Category Name Sustained Winds (1-minute) Category 1 74-95 mph Category 2 96-110 mph Category 3 (major) 111-129 mph Category 4 (major) 130-156 mph Category 5 (major) 157+ mph The NHC Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale Typhoons Typhoons are mature tropical cyclones that form in the Northwest Pacific basin - the  western part of the North Pacific Ocean, between 180 °Ã‚  (the International Date Line)  and 100 ° East longitude. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) is in charge of monitoring typhoons and issuing typhoon forecasts. Similarly to the National Hurricane Centers major hurricanes, the JMA classifies strong typhoons with winds of at least 92 mph as severe typhoons, and those with winds of at least 120 mph as super typhoons.   Category Name Sustained Winds (10-minute) Typhoon 73-91 mph Very Strong Typhoon 98-120 mph Violent Typhoon 121+ mph The JMA Typhoon Intensity Scale Cyclones Mature tropical cyclones within the North  Indian Ocean  between 100 ° E and 45 ° E are called cyclones. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) monitors cyclones and classifies them according to the below intensity scale: Category Sustained Winds (3-minute) Cyclonic Storm 39-54 mph Severe Cyclonic Storm 55-72 mph Very Severe Cyclonic Storm 73-102 mph Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm 103-137 mph Super Cyclonic Storm 138+ mph IMD TC Intensity Scale To make matters  more  confusing, we sometimes refer to hurricanes in the Atlantic as cyclones too - thats because, in a broad sense of the word, they are. In weather, any storm that has a closed circular and counterclockwise motion can be called a cyclone. By this definition, hurricanes, mesocyclone thunderstorms, tornadoes, and even extratropical cyclones (weather fronts) are all technically cyclones!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Use of Animals for Biomedical Research essays

Use of Animals for Biomedical Research essays Animal testing has been a hotly debated topic for many years among animal rights activists and scientists. Although research scientists claim that there are many benefits that can result from animal testing, it is, nonetheless, cruel and harmful to the animals involved. Many of these animals are taken out of shelters and used for science experiments instead of having a chance to reside in a home with people who genuinely care about them. Scientists and researchers believe that testing trial product chemicals on an animal will benefit humans in the long run since they don't have to suffer the harsh side effects that the animals have to suffer while In Carl Cohen's article "Do Animals Have Rights," he talks about his opinion on animal rights and how he believes that animals do not have rights for many reasons. In regards to animal testing and biomedical research, Cohen casts off any idea that animals would come out on top in this argument and makes the claim that we as people have the duty to protect our fellow people of the world and conduct experiments to "alleviate human suffering and protect human lives." Cohen argues that animals have no rights for the sheer fact that animals do not have moral claims and obligations in which people can base these rights off of. According to Cohen since animals cannot possess rights, they do not have any rights, and we are not violating any of their rights when we use them for biomedical research because they never had any rights to begin with. He also believes that animals "lack the capacity for free moral judgment,"there fore they are unable to respond to moral claims. If it came down to saving the life of a dog and saving the life of a human, the obvious morally right choice without a question would be saving the human life. Although he thinks it is wrong for animals to suffer and obviously they should not purposely be suffering for any ra...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Defining New Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Defining New Music - Essay Example Defining these concepts is able to develop into a different understanding of how to approach creativity and to work toward exploration. Defining New Music The musical elements that are now working in society are based on a growth and development into forms of exploration. The movement into contemporary music began with the rejection of theories and musical components which were used in the classical sense. Breaking the musical boundaries and redefining the musical concepts allowed for new explorations and development to occur. Concepts in classical music such as twelve tone and impressionism were some of the leading genres that were defined as contemporary music. This led into even more popular genres, such as jazz, blues and rock and roll. The contemporary style of music is now defined by a variety of genres, all which are able to create and develop a deeper understanding of how music can be used to express and develop different opportunities within the realm of music. The basis of contemporary music is not only allowing different genres to form. There is also an exploration which is continuing from music theories which are used and developed to create a deeper relationship to the communication of music (Schell, 2008). The changes with music have not only developed with contemporary approaches to genre and theory. There is also the ability to explore because of new tools and equipment that are being developed for musicians. The use of equipment and the new instrumentation is what is opening doors to exploration to combine with other art disciplines and expectations. The tools which are developed from this are coming from electronic equipment, sound recording studios and the development of other recording alternatives. The standards that have developed with this require exploration for new sounds with recording and electronics. More important, there is the development of the electronics in relation to promotion of a genre and other elements. To do this, music v ideos, performances that include other genres and the ability to create the communication and expression at different levels is changing. Genres of popular music are combining alternative elements with the technology and communication to ensure that there is a response from others within the community while developing an exploration of the communication with music. Popular Music and Art Disciplines The approach which is being used with music and other art disciplines is taking place most with the use of genres such as pop, rock, hip hop and country. The art disciplines which are combined with this are building a sense of entertainment and attraction of popular artists, specifically to help them to develop different components and needs. The approach which is taken is to develop a combined approach with sound to sense and sense to sound. By using a combination of music with visualization or experience, there is the ability to have a better response from the listeners. More important, this creates a stronger form of entertainment which can be used in different formats. The result is that the electronic elements, genres which require grabbing attention and the use of combining the senses are able to integrate for a different approach to the music. The end result is the ability to grab the attention of listeners while defining a new format for entertainment

Friday, October 18, 2019

Music 100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Music 100 - Essay Example The Seattle Symphony is an important part of the Pacific Northwest cultural scene and is acknowledged for its extraordinary performances, recordings, programming, and community engagement. With a dedicated subscriber base of more than 30,000 patrons, the band presents over 200 performances annually to an audience of more than 300,000 music lovers. The Seattle Symphony made its first performance on December 29, 1903 and still holds an important place in the world of symphonic music. The Orchestra is currently under the mentorship of Ludovic Marlot, one of the leading conductors of his generation. The band performs at Benarayo Hall, where people of all ages come to explore the world of symphonic music through classes, exhibits, and live music presentation. Symphony orchestra uses a number of instruments depending on how big the symphony is. Seattle Symphony used violin, viola, flute, harp, violin, trumpet, double bass, cello, marimba, Piccolo, Timpani, piano and trumpet. The instruments that Seattle Symphony uses to play melodies include xylophone and marimba. They soloist plays only the melody instruments in the first movement. Generally, all instruments in an orchestra can play harmony, excluding unturned percussions. The instruments that Seattle Symphony uses to play include violin, piano, and cello. Instruments used in rhythm section usually vary, but Seattle symphony used bass, piano, drums, xylophone, timpani, snare drum, chimes, and guitar. The aim of these instruments is to provide the backing for melodic instruments such as saxophone. The orchestra mainly played major keys but deviated on the Symphony in G minor, resulting in a dramatic, expressive piece. Symphony music is quite better than any other type of performance. The concert opened with the track â€Å"Concerto Fantasy,† which opens brashly. It has interplay between two timpanists against strings on the

QI strategies into performance measurements Essay

QI strategies into performance measurements - Essay Example The main performance area under consideration is quality improvement in health care, followed closely by patient safety. Quality healthcare is very integral in the vision, mission and overall strategic plan of Memorial Healthcare. In order to improve the overall quality of healthcare, many healthcare facilities employ different strategies, but they all have a singular aim. This focus has aided many heath facilities to improve their patient outcomes and follow the protocols of treatment. One of the models aimed at improving the quality of healthcare is the Plan Do Study Act. This methodology entails four steps, aimed at instituting changes in a system. To institute changes, a plan is hatched in order to test the change. Once this is accomplished, the test is executed, followed by a critical observation of the results for the purpose of learning and having a deeper understanding of the system. Thereafter, any shortcomings are identified and potential modifications made. Its pros include its application of scientific processes, its wide application, its effective management and control of results and capacity for exponential improvement. However, the methodology’s non-specific approach in dealing with problems, coupled with the possibility of being impacted by major risks when tackling small problems are examples of some of its drawbacks. According to Stamatis, the Lean methodology is a process improvement model that focusses on improving productivity while still minimizing waste and costs in the system. In order to be implemented, it requires a collaborative effort between all personnel in the organization for the purpose of identifying the improving productivity and highlighting the shortcomings in patient care services. Its pros include improved care patient services through care inefficiency reductions, employee and physician satisfaction and improved level of patient care and satisfaction. However, the methodology is time consuming and cost

Men and women struggle with gender expectations when balancing family Essay

Men and women struggle with gender expectations when balancing family and work - Essay Example The women participation rate increased but still lower than for men. The growth in women participation as put forward by Worell (1182) includes; improved education attainment, declining wages for men, declining family size, liberalization of perception of roles performed by men and women within the family as well as increased cost of living. Men and women take up different jobs at the work place. Most women are employed in the service sector with lowly paid wages and are rarely offered management positions. Men on the other hand, work in sectors that require a lot of skills such as engineering and construction where they are highly paid and also take up senior positions in the organizations. Gender pay gap also exists in the workplace where women are paid less than men in performing the same tasks. This can be attributed to gender stereotyping of roles which also leads to women taking up much workload at home and at the workplace. Women thus encounter more challenges than men while t rying to balance family and work. Gender Gender differences play an important role in determining the challenges faced by men and women in balancing family and work and how the challenges are negotiated. Traditionally, men performed heavy tasks such as hunting and gathering while women performed simple tasks and this continues to impact on their daily lives and modern occupational activities where jobs are offered in line with gender stereotype and role (Powell & Graves, 69). Women also were supposed to take care of their families while the men worked to provide for the family; the men were regarded as breadwinners and the women as care givers. This was attributed to biological factors where men are considered masculine and have good leadership skills. Women on the other hand are feminine in nature hence are caring and nurturing and always want to help others. As a result, women are employed in service sector where they interact with people and help them such as education, health an d as care givers. Men get jobs in sectors such as defense, construction, electrical work and engineering and take up leadership roles just as expected by the society (Powell & Graves, 76). Gender thus plays a role in determining occupational preferences of couples. Gender stereotyping also affects employer’s attitudes towards employees. It affects the HR procedures such as hiring, training and development, and promotion. There are those roles expected to be played by men and others for women and this affects recruitment decisions although discrimination based on gender is prohibited. Some employers view women as having more activities at home and therefore work for shorter time than men hence hindering their training and career advancement and consequently promotion decisions. The much emphasis put on women as homemakers affects their job preference whereby they prefer flexible working schedules and shorter working days as compared to men. Men as breadwinners are supposed to work and hence are accorded much search time for jobs and eventually get well paying jobs. Women on the other hand, have limited time to search for jobs and thus end up in lowly paid jobs and this affects work life balance as they don’t have enough to provide for their families (Powell & Graves, 79). Challenges Men and women are faced with various challenges as they struggle with

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis of Video The Birth of Modern Dance Essay

Analysis of Video The Birth of Modern Dance - Essay Example The Birth of Modern Dance†, we come to understand that the choreography of modern dance drew inspiration from themes of everyday life because it was influenced by human activity on a day – to – day basis. In fact, I understood it to be a sort of reflection of society as a whole. However, Modern dance did not remain static during any given period but it evolved and changed shape as changes took place in society, but nevertheless, its roots remained steeped in rebellion or breaking away from anything traditional. â€Å"The Birth of Modern Dance† shed light on how the art of dancing broke its traditional shackles and emerged with a whole new meaning that reflected the Modern dance of today. New thoughts and ideas that evolve as society changes are seen reflected in the Modern dance of today. I also learned that Modern dance is a reflection and expression of oneself and all that they stand for in addition to drawing inspiration from other various dance forms. Modern dance comprises of the freedom of spirit and an exploration.

The Intersection of Gender, Conflict and Development Shape Patterns of Essay

The Intersection of Gender, Conflict and Development Shape Patterns of Forced Migration - Essay Example veloped nations, but are also getting spread to developed nations where people are forcefully uprooted from their home countries or regions and transported to a different place, due to various factors including political, cultural, religious as well as ethnic persecutions, which at times, result in gender conflicts. It is worth mentioning in this context that forceful migration is not only conducted by people due to the lack of humanitarian ideologies in the society, but are often identified to be a consequence of natural disasters such as earthquake, tsunami, flood or any other natural disaster (Bouta & et. al., 2005). According to the report published by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), it has been signified that around 45.2 million people were under the conditions of displacement in the year 2012, as compared to 42.5 million by the end of 2011, indicating a 0.5 million difference in the aggregate amounts (UNHCR, 2013). Intersection of Gender in Forced Migrati on Notably, two major reasons were identified concerning the forced migration activities, which included sex marketing and household labour. However, in the modern era, the primary reason for forced migration has become majorly concentrated on sex crimes, to which, women and children are identified to be the common victims. Hence, forced migration can be examined to impose significant negative effects on social contexts, in today’s so called developed society. Various economic and political factors can also be identified as adjacent to the forced migration conducts, where social exclusion and poverty play a primitive role to motivate such conducts. Moreover, long terms displacements of a particular gender, commonly women, at a large volume from one particular economic region, is also... Conclusively, it should be noted that numerous policies as well as norms are being formulated and implemented with the objective of increasing awareness among people concerning forced migration, which are often conducted through bribing the victim either emotionally or financially or through physical threats. Legal actions are also being considered with regards to preserve gender equality for offering equal employment as well as income opportunities to both men and women. Such initiatives are quite likely to reduce conflicts in the society and thereby control intersection of gender as well as conflict in the encouraging the trend of forced migration. Nevertheless, irrespective of such initiatives, the rate of forced migration tends to rise steadily at certain parts of the world. In this respect, right-based strategies should be implemented with the aim of providing justice to feminist groups, both in formal and informal peace processes by global organisations as well as political ins titutions. In this context, with effective human right movement as well as liberal rights, conflicts and inequalities of gender can be minimised to certain extent which will facilitate in reducing forced migration or displacement.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Men and women struggle with gender expectations when balancing family Essay

Men and women struggle with gender expectations when balancing family and work - Essay Example The women participation rate increased but still lower than for men. The growth in women participation as put forward by Worell (1182) includes; improved education attainment, declining wages for men, declining family size, liberalization of perception of roles performed by men and women within the family as well as increased cost of living. Men and women take up different jobs at the work place. Most women are employed in the service sector with lowly paid wages and are rarely offered management positions. Men on the other hand, work in sectors that require a lot of skills such as engineering and construction where they are highly paid and also take up senior positions in the organizations. Gender pay gap also exists in the workplace where women are paid less than men in performing the same tasks. This can be attributed to gender stereotyping of roles which also leads to women taking up much workload at home and at the workplace. Women thus encounter more challenges than men while t rying to balance family and work. Gender Gender differences play an important role in determining the challenges faced by men and women in balancing family and work and how the challenges are negotiated. Traditionally, men performed heavy tasks such as hunting and gathering while women performed simple tasks and this continues to impact on their daily lives and modern occupational activities where jobs are offered in line with gender stereotype and role (Powell & Graves, 69). Women also were supposed to take care of their families while the men worked to provide for the family; the men were regarded as breadwinners and the women as care givers. This was attributed to biological factors where men are considered masculine and have good leadership skills. Women on the other hand are feminine in nature hence are caring and nurturing and always want to help others. As a result, women are employed in service sector where they interact with people and help them such as education, health an d as care givers. Men get jobs in sectors such as defense, construction, electrical work and engineering and take up leadership roles just as expected by the society (Powell & Graves, 76). Gender thus plays a role in determining occupational preferences of couples. Gender stereotyping also affects employer’s attitudes towards employees. It affects the HR procedures such as hiring, training and development, and promotion. There are those roles expected to be played by men and others for women and this affects recruitment decisions although discrimination based on gender is prohibited. Some employers view women as having more activities at home and therefore work for shorter time than men hence hindering their training and career advancement and consequently promotion decisions. The much emphasis put on women as homemakers affects their job preference whereby they prefer flexible working schedules and shorter working days as compared to men. Men as breadwinners are supposed to work and hence are accorded much search time for jobs and eventually get well paying jobs. Women on the other hand, have limited time to search for jobs and thus end up in lowly paid jobs and this affects work life balance as they don’t have enough to provide for their families (Powell & Graves, 79). Challenges Men and women are faced with various challenges as they struggle with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Intersection of Gender, Conflict and Development Shape Patterns of Essay

The Intersection of Gender, Conflict and Development Shape Patterns of Forced Migration - Essay Example veloped nations, but are also getting spread to developed nations where people are forcefully uprooted from their home countries or regions and transported to a different place, due to various factors including political, cultural, religious as well as ethnic persecutions, which at times, result in gender conflicts. It is worth mentioning in this context that forceful migration is not only conducted by people due to the lack of humanitarian ideologies in the society, but are often identified to be a consequence of natural disasters such as earthquake, tsunami, flood or any other natural disaster (Bouta & et. al., 2005). According to the report published by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), it has been signified that around 45.2 million people were under the conditions of displacement in the year 2012, as compared to 42.5 million by the end of 2011, indicating a 0.5 million difference in the aggregate amounts (UNHCR, 2013). Intersection of Gender in Forced Migrati on Notably, two major reasons were identified concerning the forced migration activities, which included sex marketing and household labour. However, in the modern era, the primary reason for forced migration has become majorly concentrated on sex crimes, to which, women and children are identified to be the common victims. Hence, forced migration can be examined to impose significant negative effects on social contexts, in today’s so called developed society. Various economic and political factors can also be identified as adjacent to the forced migration conducts, where social exclusion and poverty play a primitive role to motivate such conducts. Moreover, long terms displacements of a particular gender, commonly women, at a large volume from one particular economic region, is also... Conclusively, it should be noted that numerous policies as well as norms are being formulated and implemented with the objective of increasing awareness among people concerning forced migration, which are often conducted through bribing the victim either emotionally or financially or through physical threats. Legal actions are also being considered with regards to preserve gender equality for offering equal employment as well as income opportunities to both men and women. Such initiatives are quite likely to reduce conflicts in the society and thereby control intersection of gender as well as conflict in the encouraging the trend of forced migration. Nevertheless, irrespective of such initiatives, the rate of forced migration tends to rise steadily at certain parts of the world. In this respect, right-based strategies should be implemented with the aim of providing justice to feminist groups, both in formal and informal peace processes by global organisations as well as political ins titutions. In this context, with effective human right movement as well as liberal rights, conflicts and inequalities of gender can be minimised to certain extent which will facilitate in reducing forced migration or displacement.

Barriers to entry into foreign markets Essay Example for Free

Barriers to entry into foreign markets Essay It is completed near the end of your first year of entry into the country market. One must identify and prepare for Trade Events. Trade shows, international buyer programs, matchmaker trade delegations programs or a catalog exhibition program can lead to tremendous international opportunities . Methods of foreign market entry Methods of foreign market entry include exporting, licensing, joint venture and off-shore production. The method you choose will depend on a variety of factors including the nature of your particular product or service and the conditions for market penetration which exist in the foreign target market . Exporting can be accomplished by selling your product or service directly to a foreign firm, or indirectly, through the use of an export intermediary, such as a commissioned agent, an export management or trading company. International joint ventures can be a very effective means of market entry. Joint ventures overseas are often accomplished by licensing or off-shore production. Licensing involves a contractual agreement whereby you assign the rights to distribute or manufacture your product or service to a foreign company. Off-shore production requires either setting up your own facility or sub-contracting the manufacturing of your product to an assembly operator. Barriers to entry into foreign markets The main trade barriers to any foreign market include: Psychological barriers in foreign exchange markets Traders adjust their anchors in two ways. Some believe that exchange rates move toward (perceived) fundamentals, while others bet on a continuation of the current exchange rate trend. The behavior of the traders causes complex dynamics. Since the exchange rate tends to circle around its perceived fundamental value, the foreign exchange market is persistently misaligned. Central authorities have the opportunity to reduce such distortions by pushing the exchange rate to less biased anchors, but to achieve this; they have to break psychological barriers between anchors. High import tariffs inclusive of restrictions related to national security Tariffs are taxes that raise the price of a good when it is brought into another country. Tariffs and import quotas form the toughest barriers. Seventy percent of respondents say tariffs on goods and services are the most effective form of protectionism, followed closely by import quotas (68%). But this is by no means the whole story: 45% say that artificially undervalued exchange rates do much to boost the competitiveness of local firms, while 59% cite subsidized competitors as a major barrier. Many also noted the challenges of informal protectionism, such as local firms convincing government officials to block the approval of licenses. Quota systems in Japan: The tariff quota system charges a lower duty rate (primary duty rate) on imports of specific goods up to a certain quantity, but a higher duty rate (secondary duty rate) on quantities exceeding that volume. This system protects domestic producers of similar goods but also benefits consumers with the lowest tariff rates possible. The tariff quota volume for each allocation can be applied in one of two ways: according to the order in which the request was received, or according to prior allocations. Japan utilizes the prior allocation method. The tariff quota system does not restrict direct imports, since imports can be made without a tariff quota certificate, provided high duty is paid. Regarding footwear, quota allocations to individuals or companies are based on historical trade performance in the importation of footwear. Japan has allocated quota not to quota traders but to footwear importers, so business can take place as per footwear importers requirements. At the same time, new importers can acquire special quota for new importers. The Government of Japan implements this system in accordance with governmental regulation. Therefore, Japan believes that new importers have opportunities to obtain quotas under the current quota allocation system. Unfavorable foreign rules regulations Voluntary export restraints limit the quantity of a good brought into a country, but they are initiated by the country producing the good, not the country receiving the good. Federal, state, and local governments sometimes restrict entry into markets by requiring firms to have licenses. The Federal Communications Commission, for example, grants licenses to radio and television stations; there simply arent enough frequencies for an unlimited number of firms to broadcast in any area. For safety reasons, all nuclear power plants are licensed as well. Governments also bar entry by giving firms exclusive rights to a market. The U. S. Postal Service, for example, has an exclusive right to deliver first class mail. Firms are sometimes given exclusive rights to do things like operate gas stations along toll roads, produce electricity, or collect garbage in a city. Exclusive rights are granted if a government believes that there is room for only one firm in a market. Until the 1980s, the federal government also restricted entry into the airline, trucking, banking, and telecommunications industries. Many of the laws that restricted entry into these industries were put into place in the 1930s, when many people believed that large firms needed to be protected from cutthroat competitors. Many economists now believe that these laws did more harm than good. In 1938, for example, the Civil Aeronautics Board, or CAB, was established to regulate the airline industry for interstate flights. For the forty years that it existed, it didnt allow a single new firm to enter the market, although it received over 150 applications for routes. In 1978, despite protests from the airlines, President Carter ordered the deregulation of the industry and the phasing out of the CAB. Within five years, 14 new firms entered the industry. Many experts believe that airline fares after deregulation were well below what they would have been had regulation continued. For instance, take China as an example. China’s government has set policies that are posing great challenges for foreign investors. China’s regulatory framework for cross-border remains a complex and incomplete patchwork of laws, regulations and policy decisions made by various ministries and government agencies. A lack of transparency, coupled with low standards of corporate transparency and disclosure, makes it difficult for potential investors to carry out due diligence to accepted international standards. Valuing the potential liabilities of a firm is especially difficult. At the same time, the Chinese government continues to close off so-called â€Å"strategic assets† to cross-border without specifying which sectors are defined as strategic, or why. To address these issues and remove other obstacles to cross-border deals, it is recommended for China to: †¢ Streamline the approval process for cross-border and make it more transparent; †¢ Put in place a sound competition framework; †¢ Further open its capital markets to foreign investors; †¢ Encourage its firms to increase corporate transparency and provide more up to date and accurate financial information to make it easier to value a potential acquisition, especially regarding a firm’s liabilities; Relax foreign ownership restrictions. In particular, revise existing catalogues that list the type of firms that can or cannot be acquired by foreign investors. The report also recommends that China pilot these recommendations in the North-East of the country before rolling them out nationwide. This region, China’s historical industrial heartland, has a high concentration of state-owned firms in need of restructuring and technological upgrading, as well as high unemployment and low productivity. Cross-border could help rejuvenate the region’s economy. Free Trade Policy Policy in which a government does not discriminate against imports or interfere with exports. A free-trade policy does not necessarily imply that the government abandons all control and taxation of imports and exports, but rather that it refrains from actions specifically designed to hinder international trade, such as tariff barriers, currency restrictions, and import quotas. The theoretical case for free trade is based on Adam Smiths argument that the division of labor among countries leads to specialization, greater efficiency, and higher aggregate production. The way to foster such a division of labor, Smith believed, is to allow nations to make and sell whatever products can compete successfully in an international market.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Innocent Ltd Integrated Marketing Plan

Innocent Ltd Integrated Marketing Plan Currently Innocent can be considered as the colossus of natural fruit drinks in the smoothie manufacturing industry. Innocent is headquartered in London with a workforce about 273 people and a global network of more than 10, 000 traders over 13 European countries (Datamonitor, 2009). Innocents product portfolio has been recently expanded to almost 40 different product selections and thus companys success over the competition is the natural ingredients that used in its products and also the aspiration to conserve the nature in its products until the end user (Innocent, 2010). Potential Market Analysis and Resultant Marketing Objectives Regarding Pickton and Broderick (2005), PRESTCOM analysis can help the business in building up the best possible knowledge of the internal and external environment in which the company is preparing to enter. Consequently, an analysis has been carried out and can be viewed below: Considering the Political and Regulatory factors, the UK Department of Health has launched 5-a-day campaign, as a way to influence peoples life in order to be healthier (NHS, 2009). Therefore, the governments goal is to increase peoples knowledge of the benefits of healthy consumption as well as to buy more fruit and vegetables. Additionally, legislations that occasionally come from various governmental health and food departments can also affect the market. A good example is that of the Food Standards Agency which has altered a new labelling legislation where people can be aware of the level of trans-fats used in the product they consume (BBC, 2007). Recession can be characterised as one of the most influential factors of UKs Economic environment. The high amount of unemployment and the low peoples income are significant factors for the market. Such economic conditions, people are more aware of their expenses that mainly spend money on necessary daily items (LaForey, 2010). Finally, the recent rise of ice cream taxes, oil and milk prices can also affect the market at a great extent (Jofre, 2010; BBC, 2010). Lifestyle, value, trends and ethics are some elements that characterise the Social window of the externals environment. In instance, Mintel (2010) states that ice cream consumption is not seasonable anymore but for the whole year. In addition, most adult consumers buy ice cream for pleasure where a high number of people are aware and care of healthy consumption. The Technological concept has recently taken another dimension as social networks and brand communities have gave the ability for consumers to give-and-take opinions for products and services (Mitchell, 2001). In order to understand the Competitive environment of an industry Johnson (2008) suggest that the five forces framework can assists the process. Taking a brief Porters 5 forces analysis of the company, the bargaining power of the suppliers have been assessed to be moderate to high since the company hires a small yet diversified supply chain as the fruits are being provided by suppliers across the world (Annual report, 2008). Thus a possible concentration of suppliers makes this power stronger. The bargaining power of the buyers has been assessed to be high for three reasons: a) buyer concentration due to premium priced products, b) small target market, and c) product standardization. Threats of substitutes has also been assessed to be moderate to high due to current pricing strategy of the products that provides opportunities for cheaper substitutes products. Barriers to entry in the UK market has been assessed to be low due to external threats to the country such as terrorism, recession etc. all discouraging foreign investors entering into the UK market. Lastly, rivalry amongst the competitors has also been assessed to be high due to leading competitors Haagen-Dazs and Ben Jerrys (Mintel, 2010). The evolving changes in the external environment of the businesses today are evidently observed since businesses have been under strict scrutiny for ethical business practices. Additionally the adapted ethical business practices have also been assessed to be competitive advantage of the company along with its strong product portfolio, continue to provide the company with critical success factors in the competitive market (Annual Report, 2008). The strategic advantage of the company capitalizes on savvy and busy customers with little time for taking a meal during the mid-day (Innocent, 2010). Hence, the food products offered by Innocent Ltd. promises healthy and balanced diet options using healthy ingredients such as oats, yoghurt, fresh fruits etc. Finally, the corporate social responsibility policy practiced by Innocent Ltd. as reported in the annual report (2008), continuously indicates towards the importance of the implied approach of the business ensuring that business initiative s shouldnt mess up with the planet (Annual report, 2008). Such elements reflect the current environment of the Organisation. Aaker and McLoughlin (2010) recommend that an examination of the Market can benefit to determine Innocents current and future attractiveness. Even the recent negative period of recession, is expected a positive growth for the market in the next few years. According to Mintel (2009) is expected that the market will have a growth from annual sales of  £0.2 billion until the end of the year 2014. In addition, the weather instability of the ice creams seasonal nature (summer) has made manufactures to seek on developing take-home ice cream (Mintel, 2009). With Unilever controlling up to 43% of the markets share, ice cream has struggled to be as a special treat. Marketing Objectives Brassington and Pettit (2006) define marketing objectives as the goals that companys marketing strategy must be able to achieve. In order to come up with the best possible strategy, Fill (2009) argues that objectives must be SMART such as the company can ensure that its goals are clearly and well defined. Regarding the SMART concept, marketing objectives have been carried out and can be view to the table 1 below. Table 1: Marketing objectives based on SMART mode Specific Innocents main business objective is to promote and launch Innocent Ice Sorbets in the established UK market Measurable Aim for an overall increase of 15 per cent in the market share of Innocent Ltd. in the UK market Achievable The company has to continue with relationship building initiatives with stakeholders of the company so that 20 per cent of existing customers that is accountable for 80 per cent of business revenues, can be retained Realistic The firm has to develop marketing campaign creating awareness and desire of the Ice Sorbets through advertising and relationship marketing and also to develop the brand image, loyalty and awareness Time-able The companys objectives have duration of one year; this means that Innocent is expected to complete its objectives until the end of the year 2011 Integrated Marketing Communications Objectives Integrated marketing communications objectives are usually related with the sales or aims that the company required in order to attract the attention of consumers. They can be also characterised as part of the overall marketing plan development (Moss and Warnaby, 1998). Such objectives can be generated base on AIDAs model (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) which involves the buyers process before the decision of purchase is made (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). Therefore, integrated marketing communications objectives have been produced and can be viewed below: To create an awareness and increase the demand of the product with in the defined target market. To persuade the target market to purchase and re- purchase the product. To be clear and concise with the marketing communication message so that the marketing objectives can be achieved. Target Audience Description and Justification Target segments can be chosen on the basis of their psychographic, behaviouristic, and demographic characteristics. Nevertheless, consumers in such segments may have different needs, attitudes and preferences (Kotler, 2003). Once the marketing plan has been executed, further information concerning the target market can also be extracted by means of organizing marketing initiatives such as marketing surveys, focus group, customer etc. so that the process of re-defining the target market can take place, if needed. Identifying the current target audience for Innocents product are those people who are health conscious and seek taste and health benefits at the same time. In addition, the target audience are 20 per cent of the current customers of the company, who have been assessed to be generating 80 per cent of the business revenues (Annual report, 2008). Therefore, it is important to tightly define the scope of the marketing plan so that the allocated marketing budget can be justified. In order to reach the target market, the marketing communication plan proposes to stabilise and establish communication channels mainly through advertising and marketing initiatives in a valuable approach (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). Conclusively, the target market of this IMC plan comprises of people ranging within age bracket of five years to 45 + years, coming from mostly educated backgrounds male and female both (working men / women, students, housewives, retired people etc.) who are well aware of the disadvantages of processed ingredients, preservatives, added sugar and salt etc. Table 2: Target Market Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy After defining businesss objectives and audiences it is essential to create a communication strategy. For instance, Innocent can use a combination of push and pull strategies as Pickton and Broderick (2005) suggest that a combination of those can reduce any potential dangers. Considering pull strategy, the company can focus its promotion activities to increase demand for the product at the end consumer while push strategy seeks to boost the trade channel to drive and promote the product until the end user (Fill, 2009). In order to create awareness and desire to purchase the product in the target market, the audience should be approached with a persuasive marketing communication message that emphasizes on the importance of the pure ingredients laden with health benefits that are used in the Ice Sorbets (Palmer, 2007). In addition, the target market should also be informed about the product and its ingredients and how the product can be a no-added sugar and sweeteners, concentrates and preservative. The marketing communication messages should embrace 100per cent fruit quality of the product. Develop a unique selling proposition (USP) for the Ice Sorbets and promote the USP throughout the marketing campaign (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). The identified USP of product has been identified as 100 per cent fruits that are being used in making of the product, unlike other similar or substitute products that use artificial ingredients. The USP of the product makes the product safe to be consumed by children as young as five years old so that parents dont have to worry about any unnatural ingredient used in the product. It is very important that the marketing communication message should be persuasive and compelling so that the audience can easily memorize the message since Ice Sorbets may be highly consumed during the summer months (June- August) only. Hence a strong marketing communication message is crucial to the success of the product and the marketing communication plan. The marketing communication plan should be developed while making considerations of relationship marketing as suggested by Peelen (2005). These are: obtaining knowledge of the customers; establish strong relationship with the customers, and lastly persuasive communication along with value proposition of the customers. The marketing communication plan should also embrace a combination of exciting and validating plead, persuasive enough for the target audience. An exciting or emotional plead can be formed through connecting the product with peoples hearts such as care for the family by giving them 100 per cent healthy product made only with fruits. This can even extend to family members who are diabetic. Similarly, it is imperative that any element of mass marketing should be avoided. For that reason, the advertisements designed for the marketing plan should be able to connect to the customers (Dashlen, 2010). Apparently, extensive marketing research initiatives should be undertaken prior to the development of the marketing campaign. While identifying the validating plead, the communication message should converse the functional advantages of the product such as healthy and full of fruits nutritional value (Peelen, 2005). In addition to above, it is equally significant to note that the marketing cam paign is build from the consumers viewpoint rather than from the standpoint of the company. Subsequently, the target audience should be able to connect the rationale and emotional side of their personality with the product. Out of the defined target market, 70 per cent should be reached with in the first four months of launching of the marketing campaign whereas the remaining 30 per cent should be reached in the following months of the marketing campaign. However, repeat messages should be broadcasted and any tweaking of the communication message should also be carried out if necessary. The marketing communication campaign should be reviewed and monitored periodically (Schultz and Schultz, 2004). Additionally, in order to select an effective communication mix of IMC, the AIDAs model (illustrated in Table 3 and Table 4) has to be assessed. Table 3: AIDA model and IMC mix Low Awareness Integrated Marketing Communications Tactic In order to implement that above proposed strategies, following tactical approach has been projected (Blythe, 2006). The tactics take the shape of the marketing communication plan that is categorized as the 4 Ps of the marketing: place, product, price and promotion. Place: Even though the existing distribution channel of the enterprise seems to be adequate to assist this particular element of the marketing mix, however some additional retailers need to be employed while distributing the product. Such retailers have been identified as food retailers like Waitrose and Sainsbury, due to the comparatively high priced products sold by these retailers, suitable to sell premium priced products sold by Innocent Ltd (Mintel, 2010). Additionally, some coffee retailers such as Starbucks, Costa Coffee etc. will also be approached. The coffee shops have been chosen because they are eager to sell low fat / healthy food options unlike their high- calorie bakery items (Mintel, 2010). Similarly, the existing services of the company such as inventory management; logistics, transportation and warehousing will be used to store and manage the availability and transportation of the product. Product: The product is called Innocent Ice Sorbets and is fully concentrated with fruits i.e. no air whipping technique is used to make the product dense as compare to its competing products. This product promises 100 per cent flavour and nutritional content of the fruits. The product initially comes in three flavours: Mango Passion Fruit; Banana Raspberry; and Strawberry. The product will be sold in eco friendly packages whereas the copy on the packages will carry on the marketing communication message that emphasizes upon the natural ingredient laden with health benefits. Price: The pricing strategy of the product should be competitive against the luxury ice cream brands. Hence, the pricing strategy will enable the company to continue with its market leading position (Brassington and Pettitt, 2005). The competitive pricing strategy will also aim to take over the market share of its competitors in this regard such as Ben Jerrys, Haagen-Dazs, Solero and Carte DOr Moreover. The product has high potential in doing so because of its USP i.e. no added sugar, sweetener, preservatives and 100 per cent fruit content. However, it is very important that the pricing strategy must deliver product value to its consumers so that objectives of the marketing communication plan i.e. relationship building relationship with its customers can be attained (Blyth, 2006). Promotion: This element of marketing mix has been categorized into different elements of the communications mix which is basically a tool for the achievement of companys IMC objectives (illustrated in Table 4) (Smith and Taylor, 2004). Table 4: The Communication Mix Advertising: The product will mainly be advertised through different media as explained below: magazines; Vogue, OK, Grazia, Hello! etc, newspapers; The Times, Evening Standard, Metro etc., television channels; Channel 4, ITV etc, internet and, outdoor; billboard, tubes, buses, bus stands shopping malls, etc. Collateral advertising: The product promotion will also be done through designing product literature such as pamphlets, posters, mail shots etc. Direct mail: The product literature will be directly distributed to the target market to ensure the reach of the message to its target audience. Trade shows: To provide a further boost to the product promotion, trade shows will be arranged specifically targeted to business- to- business customers. The objective of trade shows will be a) to educate the supply chain partners / stakeholders about the product and its associated health benefits so that their confidence and trust can be instil in to the product and b) to build relationship with stakeholders so as to internally strengthen the enterprise. Sales promotion: The product will be offered to its business-to- business customers on sales promotion offers such as 15 per cent price reduction in the total bill with the purchase of X amount of volume etc. Branding: Along with branding the product Ice Sorbets, the brand development of the product portfolio will run side by side. Some of the proposed brand development initiatives are developing online networks and communities so that the company / products can stay closer to the target audiences through listening and valuing their opinions, advertising, customer relationship building and so on. Costed Media Plan The costed media plan and budget allocation has been carried out based upon the following tables (Table 4 and 5). The budget allocation amongst the choice of the media has been carried on the designated priority level i.e. TV adverts and print adverts gain 64% of priority whereas out door adverts get 36% of the priority. Table 4: Media plan budget Calculation Total budget is 8 per cent of anticipated sales i.e.  £ 5,000,000 calculated as: 6 per cent of anticipated sales for marketing  £ 4,00,000 + Total budget

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Parapsychology :: science

Parapsychology Derived from the term 'paranormal', parapsychology is the science that lies beside or beyond psychology; the field of psychology which studies those unique experiences and unknown capabilities of the human mind that suggest consciousness is capable of interacting with the physical world in ways not yet recognized by science, but not beyond science's ability to investigate. Two types of parapsychological phenomena have been described. The first and less common is pyschokinesis (PK) which is the direct influence of the human mind on the environment. In rare cases, this may involve obvious movement of objects, however most contemporary research studies PK influences on atomic or electronic processes. More commonly known is the second type of parapsychological phenomena, called extrasensory perception (ESP), which is the ability to acquire information without using the known senses. In cases when another person is involved, then it may be considered telepathy, or mind-to-mind communication. This is often common in twins, as many instance have been reported in which one twin can sense the other's thoughts or pain. When it is knowledge of just a distant place or event, then the term clairvoyance is often used. It is mainly this type of ESP which leads people to feel strongly about the existence of past lives, due to experience of deja-vous. In practice, it is often difficult to distinguish among types of ESP, thus investigators generally refer to all instances as ESP. When the information seems to be of some future event, it is called precognition. This category of ESP is also what makes fortune tellers so popular, as they claim to be able to see your future. Real life experiences that appear to involve ESP are commonly termed psychic experiences. Taken together, all of these phenomena are often called psi phenomena. Scientific interest in the subject is of relatively recent origin, beginning in 1927 when the Duke University Parapsychology Laboratory was set up under Dr. J. B. Rhine, an important figure in the advancement of parapsychology, particularly ESP. Dr. J. B. Rhine and his wife, Dr. Louisa E. Rhine, came to Duke University in 1927 to pursue studies of psychic phenomena with Professor William McDougall, chairman of the new Psychology Department. Within a few years, Dr. Rhine was conducting the groundbreaking research that demonstrated certain people had the ability to acquire information without the use of the known senses. He introduced the term extrasensory perception describe this ability and adopted the word parapsychology to distinguish his experimental approach from earlier methods of psychical research.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Fight for Freedom and Rights in Early America Essay -- People Hist

The Fight for Freedom and Rights in Early America The names and faces of those considered pioneers in the fight for rights and freedom may not be instantly recognizable, but nevertheless, they are an important part to the history of the United States of America. Throughout the history of our country, there has not just been an injustice towards black slaves, but also towards women, with both being unfairly discriminated against. It was the work of many individuals who brought the unfamiliar taste for rights for all God’s creatures to the mouths of many people. The impact of such people, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass, towards the demand for rights for women and slaves cannot be measured. Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902) was born and raised in Johnstown, New York and was one of six children (Stanton 169). She was an incredibly gifted woman, extremely smart and intelligent and had a tongue for linguistics, as she had studied Greek and Latin. She enjoyed intellectual and stimulating conversations and became quite interested in temperance movements, abolishing slavery, and the struggle to gain rights for women. One day, after a discussion with like-minded women, she proposed a woman’s convention to discuss their situation. In July of 1848, she organized the first woman’s rights convention in the United States, known as the Seneca Falls Convention. Frederick Douglass was a slave with ambition and he became more educated than most slaves were by learning how to read. This in theory was good, but at times, did not work out to his advantage. His acumen and intelligence were characteristics that fed his yearning for knowledge and his taste for freedom. Frederick Douglass (1817-1895) was born... ...e of Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Frederick Douglass, but their impact on American history cannot be calculated. Their goals and ideas pushed through a white male dominated world and they set out to make change. They knew it would not come easily, but they knew it was something they were willing to fight forever for. It is due to their leadership, intelligence, and the strength in their hearts for the reason why they are considered two of the most important pioneers in the fight for freedom and the fight for rights for all individuals in our society. Works Cited Douglass, Frederick. â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.† A World of Ideas. Ed. Lee Jacobus. Boston: Bedford, 2002. 125-140. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. â€Å"Declarations of Sentiments and Resolutions.† A World of Ideas. Ed. Lee Jacobus. Boston: Bedford, 2002. 169-178.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Detroit Electric Essay

1. What organizational structure do you believe is being used to produce Detroit Electric vehicles? Detroit Electric concentrates theirs efforts on research and development of the motor, vehicle design, marketing and distribution. The company does not produce cars; the actual manufacturing of cars is outsourced. From the case I conclude that technology design is the core business of Detroit Electric. Technology changes rapidly and therefore Detroit Electric has to be flexible in conditions of change and uncertainty. Technical excellence and efficient use of resources is the key to compete and to avoid wastage as the cost of R&D is high. Based upon the above observation, I believe that the organizational structure used is the matrix model. 2. How has differing organizational structures influenced the pace of development between these two companies? Ford and Detroit Electric are both car companies. The major difference is that Ford manufactures cars whereas Detroit Electric does not. Ford’s organizational structure will most likely resemble other manufacturers’ structure, i. e. functional departmentalization. A major disadvantage of this structure is that because specialists are working with and encouraging each other in their areas of expertise and interest, organizational goals may be sacrificed in favor of departmental goals; hence, the inability to coordinate efforts amongst competing department to achieve the goal of producing electric vehicles. Detroit Electric’s matrix structure on the other hand gives the organization the flexibility to respond to challenges faster in conditions of change and uncertainty; hence their relative pace (fast)in developing electric cars. 3. What issues may arise from this cooperative arrangement of international companies? The first issue is control. How does Detroit Electric ensure that their exact specifications are followed by their licensees? Regular audits will have to be conducted and these audits are costly. Who will bear responsibility if problems arise (faulty products) due to failure of any of its licensees do not follow procedures? The second issue is differences in objectives. For example, Detroit Electric’s performance and quality standards objectives may differ from their licensees.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

BIBL 104

Matthew is the first of the four gospels of the New Testament. Largely narrative material, this first gospel serves as the connection between the Old and New Testaments, providing an understanding of how Jesus fulfilled all the various prophecies about his coming that are found in the Old Testament. Possibly written in the A. D. 70s, though some believe it could have been written ten to twenty years earlier, the gospel of Matthew covers the entire span of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, concluding with Jesus giving the disciples their mission of going out and spreading the word of God.Geared primarily towards Jewish readers, the goal of the text was to provide them with irrefutable proof that the long-awaited Messiah had come to usher in the kingdom of God on Earth. Mark The second of the four gospels, the gospel of Mark is largely narrative and goes at a fast pace. Unlike the gospel of Matthew, which begins with the birth of Jesus and progresses through his life, Mark b egins with John the Baptist prophesying about Jesus, followed by the baptism of Jesus by John. It progresses from this point on to the end of his life.The focus of the text is on the many parables Jesus told and the miracles he performed during his period of ministry, which lasted a total of three years. The text was written by John Mark, son of a widow in Jerusalem whose home was most likely a meeting place for early Christians, who got his information from the disciple Peter. Written possibly as early as A. D. 50 and as late as A. D. 65, the text has a distinctly non-Jewish feel to it, and thus may have been written for Christians in Rome.Mark wrote it with the goal of offering encouragement to these Christians, who were suffering at the hands of the Romans, particularly the emperor. Mark, through his writings, presents Jesus as the suffering Messiah, as well as the Savior of the entire world, regardless of race or religion. Luke The third of the four gospels, the gospel of the Lu ke is largely narrative, and is the most elaborate in regards to the details of the life of Jesus. It begins with the prophecy regarding the birth of John the Baptist, progressing from that point on to the events surrounding the birth, life, and death of Jesus.Luke has the widest range of information with regard to the parables, miracles, and teachings of Jesus. Some of the more familiar parables include the parable of the sower, the parable of the Good Samaritan, the parable of the ten virgins, the parable of the prodigal son, and the parable of the ten talents. Some of the more familiar miracles include the healing of the Roman centurion’s servant, the feeding of the five thousand, the transformation of water into wine, the raising of Lazarus, and the raising of daughter of Jairus. Possibly written between A. D.59 to 63, or maybe fifteen to twenty years later, the goal Luke had in writing this gospel was to put forth the message that the love of God is not just for Jews, bu t for everyone who believes in him. John The final of the four gospels, the gospel of John is largely narrative. It is believed that it was written sometime between A. D. 80 and 95. However, there are those who believe that it was written as early as the A. D. 50s and no later than A. D. 70. Like Mark, John begins his gospel with John the Baptist baptizing Jesus, and progressing from this point on up to the death and resurrection of Jesus.Written at a time when non-Jewish followers of Jesus were being bombarded with the Greek theory that Jesus was divine but not truly human, the purpose of this gospel being written was so that the people would believe that Jesus truly was the Son of God, and that he was the word made into flesh. One particular aspect that sets this gospel apart from the other three is the inclusion of several sermons Jesus gave during his three-year ministry, none of which are found in the other three gospels. Acts Written by Luke around A. D.63 to 70 to Theophilus, who may have been a particular person or a reference to the Christians in general, the book of Acts is largely historical narrative written in the form of a letter. Covering the period from Pentecost, as well as the early stages of the disciples going out and preaching the word of God, the text can be viewed as the sequel to the Gospels. Within it is an explanation by Luke regarding the incredible growth of the early Christian church, as well as a discussion regarding the source of conflict between Jewish and Gentile Christians, both of whom would be brought together eventually through their mutual love of Christ.One of the key events within the text is the martyrdom of the disciple Stephen, now known as Saint Stephen. He is one of many that Luke writes about who die for their belief in Christ. Romans The book of Romans is the first of thirteen letters, or epistles, written by the apostle Paul to various non-Jewish Christian communities, in which he offers them advice and expounds on the teachings of Christ. Written sometime in A. D. 57, and largely narrative conversation, it was geared to the mostly Gentile followers of Christ living in Rome.His goal in writing this particular letter was three-fold. First, he wanted to introduce himself to the Christian community in Rome and garner their help in spreading the gospel. Second, he wanted to develop, expand, and defend the gospel message he was preaching. Finally, he wanted to encourage the Roman Christians to depend solely on God for their salvation. In this way, they would better realize and understand that they can become righteous and be transformed through believing in Christ. To that end, the main themes of the text are faith, grace, righteousness, and justification.As a result, this text best serves those seeking spiritual renewal, and played a pivotal role in the development of the belief held by Martin Luther – that faith alone justifies – and thus in the Protestant Reformation, which fore ver changed Christianity. 1 Corinthians The second of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, Paul wrote this letter to the Christian community in Corinth around A. D. 54 to 55. Within two to three years after starting the Christian community in Corinth, Paul got word that there was a great deal of strife within the young church.There were those who had become spiritually arrogant, which in turn led to problems such as sexual misconduct, mistreatment of fellow believers, abuse of spiritual gifts, and a general misconstruing of the basic teachings of Christ. Thus, Paul wrote this letter to help restore balance to the young Christian community, giving them simple and straightforward advice on what needed to be done to restore unity within their church. Thus, the text contains information concerning Christian living, relationships within the church, spiritual gifts, love, and the teachings of Christ – all of which are still relevant today.2 Co rinthians The third of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this was a follow-up letter written to the Corinthian Christian community around A. D. 55. Due to an uprising within the community, Paul felt obliged to write this letter to accomplish the following: the calming of various disagreements within the community, the restoration of unity within the community, and the reestablishment of Paul’s role as the leader of the community.Various themes covered in the text include the following: how to handle dissension within the church, false teaching, church leadership, the plight of other Christian communities, and financial support of the church and the poor. Paul also discusses the hopes, fears, and assurances he has for the Corinthian church and their relationship with God. Galatians The fourth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, the letter was written by Paul to the Christian community in Galat ia, a Roman province in what is now central Turkey. Written around A.D. 48 to 53, just under 25 years after Jesus was on Earth, the letter was meant to denounce and correct the false teachings cropping up in the churches that Paul and his fellow disciple – Barnabas – had established. The letter was also written by Paul as a method of defending his integrity as an apostle of Christ, which had been questioned and attacked, and also to reassert the love he had for the Galatians. This text goes back to the basics of Christianity and its teachings, focusing on what the gospel is, how it is received, and how it can be applied to daily living.Paul accomplishes through a variety of techniques, such as illustrations from his life and that of Abraham, to encourage the Galatians to return to the pure gospel and avoid the legalism that false teachers were pushing on them. Ephesians The fifth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was writ ten by Paul sometime during his imprisonment in Rome, around A. D. 60 to 62. The goal was to provide encouragement to the Christians of Ephesus to view themselves in a whole new way.They had once been idol-worshipers, involving in pagan activities and adhering to foolish philosophies. Now, Paul wanted them to realize that they were people in Christ. The text provides insight into what God wants for his followers, stresses unity within the church and among its believers, and provides the usual practical advice with regard to Christian living. Philippians The sixth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was written by Paul around A. D. 60 to 62, while Paul was under house arrest awaiting trial regarding an appeal to the Emperor Nero.Philippi was the first place in European that Paul had begun a church, sometime around A. D. 50. He eventually moved on, but the people continued to express their devotion to him by offering aid to him whenever th ey could. Thus, when he was under house arrest, they sent him money to help with his living expenses. The letter was written to thank them for the help, as well as to warn them against false teachers and to urge them to be more unified. The text also contains one of the most prominent psalms of the Bible regarding praise to and for Jesus (2:5-11).Finally, it contains practical advice to help one reshape his or her thinking according to the ways of God. Colossians The seventh of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was also written during the time Paul was under house arrest. Geared toward the small Christian community founded by Epaphras, one of Paul’s disciples, in the small city of Colosse, the goal of the letter was emphasize the supremacy of Christ, which was being challenged by the appearance of a new religious philosophy called Gnosticism.This new philosophy was a mixture of Christian, Jewish and pagan beliefs that were beginnin g to take hold. Paul’s intention was to make it clear that the nature, identity, deity, and authority of Christ were unquestionable and unparalleled. Other aspects also touched on in the text include the various ways that one can develop and maintain attitudes and actions that honor Christ. 1 Thessalonians The eighth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this letter was written by Paul sometime around A. D. 50 to the Christian community in Thessalonica.Founded during his second missionary journey, Paul had been forced to leave the community due to violence and opposition against him. When he later received news of how well the community was thriving, he wrote this letter to them to commend them on their success, but also to advise them to clear up any misunderstandings that existed. The text thus provides guidelines on how Christians can live a holy life even if surrounded by hostility to their religious beliefs. It also touches on the aspect of eternal life, offering clues about the end times and the return of Christ to the Earth.2 Thessalonians The ninth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this second letter was written not too long after the first. Paul wrote it due to the impression he got that the Thessalonicans needed an extra dose of his advice with regard to their community. Several themes are touched upon in this letter: suffering, work, and the end times. This letter, in conjunction with the first one, provide for Christians then and now, a great deal of information with regard to what will happen in the end times.It could be said to be a precursor to the book of Revelations, which goes into greater detail about the end times. Finally, the text reminds all Christians that, though our earthly life is terminal, we have the hope of living eternally with Christ. 1 Timothy The tenth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this letter is different in that it was geared toward on specific person rather than a whole community. Timothy was a protege of Paul’s, and was now the leader of a small Christian community that was going through difficult times.Written shortly after Paul was released from jail sometime around A. D. 63 to 65, the letter offered Timothy specific guidelines on how to organize and run the church, as well as offered various practical solutions with regard to believers developing stronger relationships among themselves, as well as with their leaders and the world at large. Thus, the ultimate theme of the text is that a church requires unity in order to survive and prosper. 2 Timothy The eleventh of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, this second letter to Timothy was written around A. D.66 to 67, when Paul was once again in a Roman prison. This time, however, it was clear he would die in that prison. As a result, many of the people who had suppo rted him had now turned away from him. This letter, then, is considered to be one of the last written by Paul. In it, he demonstrates his concern not just for Timothy, but also for the Christian churches overall. He offers encouragement to the faithful, discusses various teachings of Christ and events that will occur in the last days of time, and ends with him giving Timothy his assignment – to spread the word of God – and closing remarks. TitusThe twelfth of thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was written to Titus by Paul sometime between A. D. 63 to 65, during his travels following his first release from prison. Titus was a protege of Paul, and had helped him start, organize, and lead several churches throughout the eastern half of the Roman Empire. The letter contains advice for Titus, who was now a young leader of a troubled church on the island of Crete. In it, Paul tells Titus to refute and ignore all false teachers, to work for the unity of his church, and to find good leaders for the church.It also provides guidelines for living a godly life, and emphasizes the power of faith with regarding to overcoming the problems of division and disharmony within the church. Finally, it puts forth the point that does who persevere in the face of difficulty will reap the benefits and rewards of their perseverance. Philemon The last of the thirteen letters offering advice and expounding on the teachings of Christ, it was written to Philemon by Paul between A. D. 60 and 62, while he was in prison. Philemon was a wealthy Christian who was part of the church at Colosse. One of his slaves – Onesimus – had run away from him.This same slave had come in contact with Paul while both were in a Roman prison. While there, Onesimus became a follower of Christ. After this, Paul decided to send the young man back to his former master, along with this letter asking for Philemon to forgive Onesimus. The hope Paul had was that Philemon would become a living example of the grace that all Christians receive through Christ. Thus, the text provides a riveting tale of the cost of asking for and granting forgiveness. It also demonstrates how important it is for Christians to realize they are all equal and acceptable in the eyes of Christ.Hebrews Hebrews is the first of eight additional letters within the New Testament. Written between A. D. 60 and 70, the author is not identified. Possible suggestions could be Paul, Barnabas, Luke, or Apollos. The purpose of the letter was to warn the early Jewish believers in and followers of Christ, who were suffering continual persecution, against reverting back to their Old Testament way of life. Throughout the letter, the author uses vivid illustrations from the Old Testament to demonstrate what God had done through Christ.There are strong emotional appeals to the Hebrews, the name initially used to refer to the Jews before they were called Israelites, to mai ntain the new covenant they had with Christ rather than revert back to the old one that had been made in the days of Noah, Abraham, and Jacob. These various connections and contrasts between the Old and New Testaments are meant to demonstrate the superiority of Christ and the new covenant made with him. Ultimately, the letter is meant to inspire all who read it to maintain their faith in Christ in all situations.James James is the second of eight additional letters within the New Testament. It is possible that this was the first book of the New Testament to have been written, sometime between A. D. 40 and 50. The letter was geared to the twelve tribes, and this could mean either the people of Israel that had now become followers of Christ or the church in a symbolic sense. It was meant to warn them against some of the habits they had developed which were undermining them: favoritism, slander, pride, the misuse of wealth, and impatience.The ultimate goal of the letter was to demonstr ate that, though one can believe in Christ, it is still possible to live the wrong way. However, it also shows that it is possible to turn belief in the right doctrine into right living. 1 Peter This first letter written by Peter is the third of eight additional letters within the New Testament. Composed sometime between A. D. 60 to 64, and geared to the Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor (modern Turkey), the letter was meant to encourage the early Christians in the face of the continual persecution they were facing.This persecution had scattered them, thus spreading their belief in Christ; however, some were beginning to feel abandoned by God. To understand why they would feel this way, the letter must be placed in its historical setting. When Christianity first emerged, the Roman government had allowed early Christians the same type of religious freedom they allowed the Jews. However, as tensions grew between Jewish and Christian beliefs, the tolerance for Christianity beg an decreasing. This decreased tolerance led to the Roman government’s persecution of Christians, including Peter, who endured imprisonment and beatings for his faith.Thus, the goal of the letter is to demonstrate how faith is tested through suffering, and can be strengthened by it. 2 Peter This second letter written by Peter is the fourth of eight additional letters within the New Testament. It was geared to the same people – Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor – and was written in Rome sometime between A. D. 64 and 68. This time, the purpose of the letter was to warn the people against false teachers that had begun to infiltrate various Christian communities.In doing so, Peter hoped that the warning would prevent the Christians from being taken in by the false teachings, and instead remain true and faithful to the word of God. Several key themes can be found throughout the letter: the need and importance of developing a Christian character, the importanc e of holding on to the truth, warnings against false teachers and prophets, and advice on how to live a life that is based on the return of Christ to Earth. 1 John The first of a series of letters written by John, who also wrote one of the four gospels, it is the fifth of eight additional letters within the New Testament.Written sometime in the A. D. 80s, when John was an old man, the letter was geared to a group of Christian communities near Ephesus. These communities were part of a springing up of Christian communities emerging after the first major wave of persecution Christians endured during the rule of the Roman Emperor Nero. Possibly the last surviving apostle, John wrote this to encourage these new Christian communities, and also as a sort of history and examination of the gains and losses of the early Christian church.Some of the themes covered in the letter include the following: the fact that God is the light and his followers must walk in that light to maintain a bond wi th him; loving your fellow man as Christ taught; having faith in the Son of God – Christ; and avoidance of anything that attempts to refute the teachings of God. He concludes by restating that Christians are the children of God, and that through Christ, we have an understanding of who God is and of the promise of eternal life he offers to those who believe in him. 2 JohnThe second of a series of letters written by John, it is the sixth of eight additional letters within the New Testament. It was most likely written shortly after the first letter, and was most likely meant to accompany the first letter. His goal in writing it was to help renew the commitment the Christians made to follow Christ by further exposure of false teachings, and to also encourage them to remain faithful to God. Thus, many of the themes covered in the first letter are touched on within this short follow-up letter.Also, it is something of a challenge to those who believe in God to make sure they are fir m in their faith. 3 John The last of a series of letters written by John, it is the seventh of eight additional letters within the New Testament. It was most likely written shortly after the second letter. However, unlike the first two geared to Christian communities in general, this letter is written specifically to Gaius, a friend of John’s. The letter served to commend Gaius for his faithful support of legitimate teachers, while warning him against the actions of a strong-minded leader by the name of Diotrephes.Again, many of the same themes touched on in the first letter are touched on in this letter. However, the primary focus is on walking in the light of God and living according to his teachings. Jude The last of eight additional letters, it was written by Jude, the half-brother of Jesus and full brother of James. Composed sometime around A. D. 65 or possibly earlier, Jude wrote it because he was concerned about the possibility of Christians being drawn to and taken in by the many false doctrines being put forth at the time.Therefore, he urged believes to maintain and fight for the Christian faith. Although brief, the letter provides direct warnings against turning away from God, while also touching on the many promises a life lived in the word of God can offer. Revelation The final book of the New Testament, and of the Bible as a whole, this was most likely written by John sometime around A. D. 90 to 96. The book went to the seven Christian communities located in Asia Minor, to warn them against letting go of their faith in Christ.It also reassured them of the ultimate victory of those who remain faithful over those who choose to live immorally. The text is considered to be apocalyptic narrative, due to its many prophecies. There is a great deal of imagery and symbolism, which are used to demonstrate how evil within the world will be replaced with the good and peacefulness of the kingdom of God. Thus, the ultimate message is that, ultimately, go od will defeat evil, and the world will revert back to what it had been before Adam and Eve committed the first sin.